Wednesday, March 28, 2012

10 Day Reboot - What I've Learned

Lesson #1: I think that next time I do this, I will only shop for 1 or 2 days at a time. There just simply isn't enough room in my refrigerator for more produce than that. Also, I think I would have saved a LOT of money if I had made my shopping trip for a shorter duration. I would have been better able to gauge which fruits and vegetables I needed and which ones I still had left over.

Lesson #2: Beware of the beets. Not only do they move things along (if you know what I mean), but they also make things a very intense shade of red. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that I had a major medical issue.

Lesson #3: I will be going off the program next time! For this go-round I didn't really know what I was doing so I tried to stick to the program as closely as possible. But I think I would enjoy it a little more if I stuck to the fruits and veggies I know that I like and not holding my nose to gag down the ones that I don't.

Lesson #4: Going along with the last lesson, I will be eating WAY more leftovers next time. The non-juice recipes on the plan are for more than one person so when I made them, it made way too much for just me to eat. I feel like I wasted a lot of food (and money) because of this. Next time I'll make a veggie dish that I like and eat it for lunch (or dinner) until it's gone. That way I will reduce waste and keep my money in my pocket where it belongs.

Lesson #5: They say that you should make a juice and then consume it right away or else you lose some of the nutrients. However, it is imperative for me to make the juices the night before so that I have everything ready for the next day. If I lose some nutrients because of it, I'm okay with that. I know myself and if I don't have things handy, I will go off course in a millisecond.

Lesson #6: I don't like spending hours at a time chopping vegetables but the more prep-work done at the beginning, the easier it will be in the long run.

Lesson #7: There wasn't one day on the challenge where I was able to eat everything that the plan said that I should. Each day, either I ran out of time to chop things, or I just wasn't hungry enough to eat everything. I'm not sure this is good or bad but I did waste a lot of vegetables that I bought. Again, I think shopping for 1 or 2 days at the most and prepping everything before hand would help a lot with this, I think.

Lesson #8: I do not like coconut water plain. I've tried it in smoothies and love it that way but I just can drink it by itself.

Lesson #9: The first day eating regular food again, no matter how good you try to eat, you will feel sick.  Trust me!

Lesson #10: I really have nothing to say for this one.  I just wanted to end on Lesson 10.  :)

10 Day Reboot - Results

Halle-freakin-lujah!! I finished the reboot without cheating! Although to be honest, I did have vivid dreams of cheating and then woke up thinking "Oh, crap!" Luckily that was all in my head. :)  I was surprised to learn that most of my cravings were for carbs and not for sugar.  Crazy!

So, 10 days of nothing but fruits and vegetables! Did anything happen? Did anything change?

Well, I'll tell you what I've noticed. First of all, I never stumbled on this supposed well of new found energy but that might just be because I have many other hurdles to overcome (like insomnia) before that happens. I think this plan is a step in the right direction and can only help, over time.

I do feel more healthy, over all. I have noticed a change in the clarity of my skin and my hair seems to behave itself more often.  My clothes are looser, which is good.  Also, several of my coworkers caught a cold during this reboot and I didn't get sick!  For those of you who know me know that I catch just about everything that is going around.  My immune system isn't really up to par, so the fact that people got sick around me and I didn't catch it is HUGE for me.

I woke up this morning (Wednesday) not looking forward to jumping on the scale.  I felt bloated and backed up (if you know what I mean) -- sorry for the abundance of information.  To be honest, I was afraid that the scale would say that I was the same weight, or worse, that I weighed more than when I started.  After I got on the scale, I was so shocked that I had to step off and back on 3 times in order to believe what I saw.

Total weight lost during the 10-day Reboot Challenge:  21.4 pounds

I know!!  Holy Guacamole!!

So, would I do this challenge again?  Absolutely!  However, I would tweak it a little bit so that my grocery bill didn't land somewhere in outer space.  I think that I will be revisiting this challenge every 3 or 4 months.  I also think that I will be doing a 3-day juice only fast every month.

10 Day Reboot - Day Ten

Planned Menu
First Thing in the Morning
1 Tbsp fresh ginger root, 8 oz hot water, squeeze of lemon
16 oz. water

Blackberry Kiwi

Mid Morning Juice

Sunset Blend Juice

Afternoon Snack
16 oz Coconut Water, unsweetened.

16 oz Coconut Water, unsweetened.
Gazpacho Juice

Before Bed
Hot Herbal Tea (you can add Stevia for sweetness as desired).

Ah, the last day!  I'm probably more excited for this experiment to be over than I should be!  A weird side effect for the end of the reboot plan is that I keep thinking today is Friday!  It's only Tuesday!  I guess in my head I'm associating the end of eating only fresh fruits and veggies with the end of the week.  That is going to stink tomorrow when I can't sleep in.

Actual Menu
First Thing in the Morning

Blackberry Kiwi

Mid Morning Juice

Sunset Blend Juice

Afternoon Snack

Before Bed

Thursday, March 22, 2012

10 Day Reboot - Day Nine

Planned Menu
First Thing in the Morning
Herbal Tea or hot water with lemon

Melon Mania

Mid Morning Juice
Beet, Celeriac, Carrot Juice

Squash & Apple Soup

Afternoon Snack
Crunch & Munch

Reboot Green Salad
Corn and Tomato Salsa

Before Bed
Herbal Tea

I'm not going to lie -- today was tough. It wasn't hard because of temptations or hunger level or anything. It was tough because I didn't go grocery shopping on Saturday like I was supposed to and today was the first day I really felt it. Today is an eating day (instead of all juice) and I just didn't have anything prepared.

For breakfast I ended up drinking the rest of the berry smoothy that I made a few days ago and never finished. I didn't have anything left to make juice to bring to work, or the soup for lunch, so I ran to the grocery store before work thinking I would just pick up a pre-made salad there. Unfortunately, all of the salads contained meat or cheese.

I ended up getting a couple apples, an orange, and a bag of baby carrots to munch on throughout the day at work.

The end is so close now, I can hardly stand it! But, I am determined to reach the end without cheating! Unfortunately, "not cheating" meant "going without food" for dinner tonight. I just couldn't look at another salad. Remember way back in high school when you were a Senior and it was close to graduation and you didn't want to do anything? They called it Senioritis. I think I have Veganitis.

Actual Menu
First Thing in the Morning

Berry Smoothie

Mid Morning

Orange, Baby Carrots

Afternoon Snack


Before Bed

10 Day Reboot - Day Eight

Planned Menu
First Thing in the Morning
1 Tbsp. fresh ginger root, 8 oz hot water, squeeze of lemon
16 oz. water

Sweet N Tart Citrus

Mid Morning Juice
Green Juice

Apple-Beet-Carrot Juice

Afternoon Snack
16 oz Coconut Water, unsweetened.

16 oz Coconut Water, unsweetened.
Carrot-Kale Combo

Before Bed
Hot Herbal Tea (you can add Stevia for sweetness as desired).

Today I'm still living in Migraine town, although I've moved out to the outer edges and am on my way out (I hope). Because of not feeling well yesterday, I didn't go grocery shopping for the last 3 days of the program. Today is one of the days I was supposed to shop for yesterday so I might have to do some fancy juicing of whatever left over fruits/veggies that I have left in the refrigerator. It might be an interesting day.

This morning I made the Lemon Lime juice that I was supposed to make for dinner yesterday. I really like this juice.

It is day 3 of only juices (and water) and I have had absolutely no issue with hunger or temptation to go off the plan.

Again, because of how I was feeling (headache) I started eating late and just made juice when I was hungry. It ended up not being a lot.

Actual Menu
First Thing in the Morning

Lemon Lime

Mid Morning Juice
Green Juice

Apple-Beet-Carrot Juice

Afternoon Snack


Before Bed

10 Day Reboot - Day Seven

Planned Menu
First Thing in the Morning
8-16 ounces of hot water with lemon
16 oz. water (filtered is recommended).

Minty-Fresh Berry

Mid Morning Juice
16 oz Coconut Water, unsweetened.
Refreshing Fennel-Pear

Green Lemonade

Afternoon Snack
16 oz Coconut Water, unsweetened.

16 oz Coconut Water, unsweetened.
Lemon Lime

Before Bed
Hot Herbal Tea (you can add Stevia for sweetness as desired).

Today I spent the day in Migraine town (unrelated to diet). Because of that, I spent most of the day sleeping. I got off schedule with the juices I was supposed to drink so I didn't end up drinking all of them.

All of the juices that I did have were pretty good.

Actual Menu
First Thing in the Morning

Minty-Fresh Berry

Mid Morning Juice
16 oz Coconut Water, unsweetened.
Refreshing Fennel-Pear

Green Lemonade

Afternoon Snack


Before Bed

10 Day Reboot - Day Six

Planned Menu
First Thing in the Morning
8-16 ounces of hot water with lemon
16 oz. water (filtered is recommended)

Purple Power Juice

Mid Morning Juice
Green Lemonade


Afternoon Snack
16 oz Coconut Water, unsweetened.

16 oz Coconut Water, unsweetened.

Before Bed
Hot Herbal Tea (you can add Stevia for sweetness as desired).

Today is the first day where I am on all liquid. There will be no eating for the next 3 days -- only juice and water.

I've learned that I do not eat as much as they say that I should. I'm not sure if that is good or bad on this plan but I'm simply not hungry. I didn't drink all of the juices that were planned but I didn't cheat and eat anything else, either.

Today was also the first day that I was supposed to drink straight coconut water. I've used it in smoothies before but hadn't had it straight. Coconut water is loaded with vitamins and potassium so it is really good for you. For some reason, I just could not make myself drink it. I'll have to think of some other cleaver ways to get that in tomorrow.

Actual Menu
First Thing in the Morning
Nothing (late for work)

Purple Power Juice

Mid Morning Juice
Green Lemonade


Afternoon Snack


Before Bed